I'm normally more of a dog person.

Meet Spider:

This is the adorable little kitten my younger sister recently found & rescued.
Isn't he the cutest?!
My family went back and forth on a name for this little guy for awhile, and they couldn't agree on a good one.
My first morning at home, I look oustide the kitchen door to see the little guy climbing up the screen door & hanging on for dear life!
I think he was just curious as to what was going on inside :)

After a little while our pup, Chesapeake, took notice to the little climbing kitty.

These 2 then continued to watch & chase eachother on both sides of the door.
This is when I decided to begin calling the little guy Spider, for his skill of climbing up & down the screen doors.
Spider, or Spider baby, as I like to call him-has really grown on me since we've been here.
I even let him sleep with me one night :)
He is so adorable, and I am actually sad to think of leaving him when Kevin & I head back home.

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving.
Pictures from our holiday will be posted soon.