
Sometimes, after a long Tuesday at work, I like to have a good laugh alone in front of my phone or computer.
(Doesn't everyone?)
And funny things are only good when shared, right? So- here ya go! Silly little things that are making me laugh tonight.
Over the weekend I discovered the best phone app of all time.
It takes a picture of 2 people and swaps their faces! Who are the genius' that come up with this stuff? It's called Face Juggler, and it's free!! I literally played on this for nearly an hour. Here are a few of my favorite face juggles;

Baby one is definitely my favorite!
Another favorite funny thing of mine are these ecards. They are so hysterical and so true!

And then, this. Because I laughed for a solid 10 minutes after I first found it.
That poor kid. He was probably just trying to act like Spider Man on that wall..
Hope you had a good laugh or too :)
Goodnight friends!!