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With the semester back in full swing, my schedule has been a bit chaotic lately! Besides full-time classes and a part-time job I also landed an internship this spring. (praise!)

Although these are all great things, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when looking at the calendar. I've had to say no to a few things that sounded good, but in reality I knew I just didn't have the time for. I've also realized how terrible I am at saying no to things. Typical people-pleaser, over here.

That being said, when I do have down time it's hard not to completely crash. I feel like the line between relaxing and being a lazy sloth is a fine one and difficult for me to tread. I've tried to come up with some relaxing things to do around our apartment that help me unwind while not laying horizontally in bed. Although binging a new Netflix show is almost always preferred!

My go-to list of relaxtivites (ya like that one?) include daily reading (for fun! not for school), keeping my plants alive, taking a good bath now and then, and using my planner to get my week ahead organized. These are all small tasks that help break up the day and allow me to take a breath.

Do you have any end-of-the-day rituals that keep you calmed? Let me know!